Dr. K S Rajan
[ Krishnan Sundara Rajan ]

Professor and Head, Lab for Spatial Informatics (LSI)
Email: rajan (at) iiit domain
Tel: (+91-40)-6653 1276
Fax: (+91-40)-6653 1413
Brief: A multi-disciplinary researcher who works on Spatial Informatics including the areas of Geospatial Technology and Remote Sensing and its applications across one or more domains of Sustainability, Agriculture, Water, and Urban Sciences. Current interests are in Spatial Data Science and Geo-AI including Spatio-Temporal data mining, OBIA, Spatial Modelling of human-land-water interactions and Remote-Sensing of the Environment.
Also an active proponent of Open Source through OSGeo-India, FSMI and others.
Awards / Recognitions
- Member, Steering Committee on India Digital Eco-system Agriculture (IDEA) and Agristack, MoA&FW, Govt. of India, 2022~
- Member, Expert Committee for the National Geospatial Programme, DST, Govt. of India, 2022-25
- Member, Technological Sub-Committee, Geospatial Data Promotion and Development Committee (GDPDC), DST, Govt of India, 2021-22
- International Visitor Leadership Program (USA), US-India Space Cooperation, 2018
- Indian National Geospatial Award 2013 (Indian Society of Remote Sensing)
- Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 1999.
Areas of Expertise: Agent based Spatial Modelling (AGENT-LUC), GIS and Remote Sensing, Land Use and Land Cover - M.Eng in Civil Engineering, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 1995.
Areas of Expertise: GIS and Remote Sensing, Land Use and Land Cover Change, Spatio-temporal Analysis - B. Tech(Hons) in Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, 1993.
Areas of Expertise: Environmental Engineering, Industrial Waste, Water Treatment
Professional Activities
- Life Member, Indian Society of Remote Sensing.
- Life Member, Indian Society of Geomatics.
- International Charter Member, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo.org).
- Founding Member and Treasurer, OSGeo-India (OSGeo.in).
- Member, IEEE & IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society.
- Member, IGU Commission on Land Use and Land Cover Changes.
- Was member of Japanese Association of Remote Sensing, American Geophysical Union.
- Contributed to various IHDP and IGBP related Programs - LAND, LUCC, UGEC, GECAFS, GCP, and GWSP.
- Involved in providing Scientific support to a few NGOs working on Water and Environmental issues.