
320 entries « 3 of 7 »



Spatiotemporal Variations of Precipitation and Temperatures Under CORDEX Climate Change Projections: A Case Study of Krishna River Basin, India Incollection

Shaik Rehana; Naidu Galla Sireesha; Monish Nellibilli Tinku

Contemporary Environmental Issues and Challenges in Era of Climate Change, pp–157 Springer, Singapore, (2019).

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Suitability of distributions for standard precipitation and evapotranspiration index over meteorologically homogeneous zones of India Journal Article

NT Monish; S Rehana

Journal of Earth System Science, 129 (1), 25 (2019)

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Drought detection and assessment over Krishna River Basin with Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index Inproceedings

S Rehana; G Sireesha Naidu; A Apaar; K S Rajan

Hydro 2019, International Conference, Hydraulics, Water Resources & Coastal Engineering, (2019).

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Spatio-temporal evaluation of evapotranspiration over Krishna river basin, India Inproceedings

S Rehana; G Sireesha Naidu; A Apaar; K S Rajan

Hydro 2019, International Conference, Hydraulics, Water Resources & Coastal Engineering, (2019).

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Comparison of Historical Precipitation Data between Cordex Model and Imd Over Malaprabha River Basin, Karnataka State, India Journal Article

Nagalapalli Satish; Sathyanathan Rangarajan; Deeptha Thattai; Rehana Shaik


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Regional scale spatiotemporal trends of precipitation and temperatures over Afghanistan Journal Article

Shoaib Khaksari Saboory; SK Tomer


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CoRe: Generating a Computationally Representative Road Skeleton-Integrating AADT with Road Structure Inproceedings

Rohith Reddy Sankepally; Krishnan Sundara Rajan

Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery: 20th International Conference, DaWaK 2018, Regensburg, Germany, September 3--6, 2018, Proceedings 20, 59–69 Springer International Publishing (2018).

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Automatic tree identification and diameter estimation using single scan terrestrial laser scanner data in central indian forests Journal Article

Suraj R Reddy; Chandra Shekhar Jha; Krishnan Sundara Rajan

Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 46 , 937–943 (2018)

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Improving path query performance in pgrouting using a map generalization approach Journal Article

Rohith Reddy Sankepally; KS Rajan

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 42 , 191–198 (2018)

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Towards Generating Semantically-Rich Indoorgml Data from Architectural Plans Journal Article

Srishti Srivastava; Nishith Maheshwari; K S Rajan

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 42 , 4 (2018)

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Development of open source tool to derive specific absorption coefficient of biochemical parameters by segmentation of species spectra. Inproceedings

Salghuna Rama Chandra Prasad N N P Murty S.S. C.

FOSS4G ASIA 2018,2-5 Dec, Moratuwa, Srilanka, (2018).

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Extraction and validation of contiguous spectra generated from Sentinel-2 data --- A case study from Araku forest of Eastern Ghats, India Inproceedings

Rama Chandra Prasad J P Salghuna N. N. Sundar

FOSS4G ASIA 2018,2-5 Dec, Moratuwa, Srilanka, (2018).

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Soaring temperatures triggered by urbanization: A case study of Vijayawada city, India Inproceedings

M. Vani; Rama Chandra Prasad P .

Proceedings of int. conf. "From space to land management: rem. sens. tech. supporting sustainable development and natural resource management" -IX CONVEGNO Associazione Italiana di Telerilevamento. 04-06 July, Florence, Italy,pp. 105-106., (2018).

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Automatic estimation of tree stem attributes using terrestrial laser scanning in central Indian dry deciduous forests Journal Article

Suraj R Reddy; CS Rakesh; CS Jha; KS Rajan

CURRENT SCIENCE, 114 (1), 201–206 (2018)

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Prediction of vegetation dynamics using NDVI time series data and LSTM Journal Article

Sushma D Reddy; Rama Chandra P Prasad

Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 4 , 409–419 (2018)

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Assessing the impact of land use and land cover changes on the remnant patches of Kondapalli reserve forest of the Eastern Ghats, Andhra Pradesh, India Journal Article

Rama Chandra P Prasad; Asha J Kumari

The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science, 21 (3), 419–429 (2018)

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Geospatial Assessment of Spatio-Temporal Changes in Mangrove Vegetation of Pichavaram Region, Tamil Nadu, India Journal Article

M Vani; P Rama Chandra Prasad

Threats to Mangrove Forests: Hazards, Vulnerability, and Management, 89–102 (2018)

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Assessing the allelopathy and autotoxicity effects of Parthenium hysterophorus L., Senna uniflora (Mill.) HS Irwin and Barneby and Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poit Journal Article

Asha J Kumari; Rama Chandra P Prasad

Russian Journal of Biological Invasions, 9 , 290–298 (2018)

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Phylogenetic classification of the world’s tropical forests Journal Article

JW Ferry Slik; Janet Franklin; V'ictor Arroyo-Rodr'iguez; Richard Field; Salomon Aguilar; Nikolay Aguirre; Jorge Ahumada; Shin-Ichiro Aiba; Luciana F Alves; Anitha K; others

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115 (8), 1837–1842 (2018)

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Is a change in land surface temperature treated as an early warning sign to predict earthquakes? Inproceedings

Vani Rama Chandra Prasad M P N. Kavyalakshmi Kaushal Krishna

USMCA (Urban Safety of Mega Cities in Asia), (2018).

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Urban growth modelling using SLEUTH: A case study of Vijayawada city, India. Inproceedings

Kamakshi Moparthi Rama Chandra Prasad P Vani M.

FOSS4G ASIA 2018,2-5 Dec, Moratuwa, Srilanka, (2018).

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GUI for SLEUTH model. Inproceedings

Rama Chandra Prasad P Kamakshi Moparthi Vani. M

FOSS4G ASIA 2018,2-5 Dec, Moratuwa, Srilanka., (2018).

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Development of an open source tool to remove cloud from hyperspectral satellite imagery using machine learning approach. . Inproceedings

Rama Chandra Prasad N N P Rohith Gilla Salghuna

FOSS4G ASIA 2018,2-5 Dec, Moratuwa, Srilanka, (2018).

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Age Detection of Moon using Crater Counting Techniques. Inproceedings

Rama Chandra Prasad N N P Tarnpreet Singh Gill Salghuna

FOSS4G ASIA 2018, 2-5 Dec, Moratuwa, Srilanka.(Won best paper award), (2018).

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Discrimination of tree species based on their spectra collected at spatio-temporal scale in the forest of Araku, Eastern Ghats, India. Inproceedings

Rama Rao N N N Salghuna P. Rama Chandra Prasad

WHISPER 23-26, 2018, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, (2018).

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Statistical Noise Removal (SNR) -- A novel approach of removing noise from the full range field collected spectra. Inproceedings

Rama Rao N N N Salghuna P. Rama Chandra Prasad

WHISPER 23-26, 2018, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, (2018).

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A surrogate approach of identifying Artocarpus heterophyllus species of Attappadi forest, India. Inproceedings

Rama Rao N N Salghuna P. Rama Chandra Prasad

Proceedings of int. conf. "From space to land management: rem. sens. tech. supporting sustainable development and natural resource management" -IX CONVEGNO Associazione Italiana di Telerilevamento. 04-06 July, Florence, Italy, pp. 144-145 (Won best p, (2018).

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Integrating MSER into a fast ICA approach for improving building detection accuracy Inproceedings

Lipika Agarwal; Krishnan Sundara Rajan

IGARSS 2018-2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 4831–4834 IEEE (2018).

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Modeling of extreme risk in river water quality under climate change Journal Article

S Rehana; CT Dhanya

Journal of Water and Climate Change, jwc2018024 (2018)

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Geospatial attribution of extreme rainfall and urban expansion in India using fuzzy clustering Inproceedings

Manas Khan; Francisco Munoz-Arriola; Jennifer Clarke; George Meyer; Rehana Shaik; Alejandro Herrera-Leon

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 18337 (2018).

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Physical, chemical and geotechnical characterization of fly ash, bottom ash and municipal solid waste from Telangana State in India Journal Article

Chamala Surendra Reddy; Supriya Mohanty; Rehana Shaik

International Journal of Geo-Engineering, 9 , 1–23 (2018)

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Winter Monsoon Extremes over the Deccan Plateau Associated with the Siberian High Inproceedings

Bala Narapusetty; Raghuram G Murtugudde; Hui Wang; Shaik Rehana; Arun Kumar

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, A41L–3147 (2018).

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A comparative Analysis of Regional Drought Characterization over Krishna River Basin in India using Potential and Actual Evapotranspiration Inproceedings

S Rehana; N T Monish; G Sireesha

Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 03-08 June 2018, (2018).

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Environmental biotechnology: for sustainable future Miscellaneous

Ranbir Chander Sobti; Naveen Kumar Arora; Richa Kothari


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Ayush Khandelwal; KS Rajan

ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing & Spatial Information Sciences, 4 , (2017)

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K Manikanta; KS Rajan

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 42 (2/W7), (2017)

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Ayush Khandelwal; KS Rajan

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 42 , 95–99 (2017)

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Analyzing the performance of NoSQL vs. SQL databases for Spatial and Aggregate queries Inproceedings

Sarthak Agarwal; KS Rajan

Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G) Conference Proceedings, 4 (2017).

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Modelling the forest transition in Central Western Ghats, India Journal Article

TV Ramachandra; Bharath Setturu; KS Rajan; MD Subash Chandran

Spatial Information Research, 25 (1), 117–130 (2017)

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Object based fusion of multi-sensor imagery while preserving spectrally significant information Inproceedings

Mayank Goyal; Krishnan Sundara Rajan

2017 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 4028–4031 IEEE (2017).

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A Shape-Based Approach to Spatio-Temporal Data Analysis Using Satellite Imagery Inproceedings

Darpan Baheti; Krishnan Sundara Rajan

2017 IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA), 439–448 IEEE (2017).

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Localized Segment Based Processing for Automatic Building Extraction from LiDAR Data Journal Article

Gaurav Parida; KS Rajan

The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 42 , 473 (2017)

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Geo-Visualization of land cover transitions in Karwar region of Central Western Ghats Inproceedings

Bharath Setturu; KS Rajan; TV Ramchandra

International symposium on Water Urbanism and Infrastructure Development in Eco-Sensitive Zones, Hyatt Regency, Kolkata, India, 6–7 (2017).

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Evaluating mangroves of Krishna Wildlife Sanctuary in relation to the general status of mangroves in Andhra Pradesh, India Journal Article

P Rama Chandra Prasad; CVL Karuna; J Asha Kumari

International Journal of Environmental Studies, 74 (2), 214–229 (2017)

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Modeling Stream Water Temperature using Regression Analysis with Air Temperature and Streamflow over Krishna River Journal Article

A Naresh; S Rehana

Rehana International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research, 4 (11), 2394–3386 (2017)

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Estimation of Regional Drought Index Considering the Climate and Land Surface Changes over a Large River Basin in India Inproceedings

S Rehana; N T Monish; G Sireesha

, 30th Conference on Climate Variability and Change, 24th Conference on Probability and Statistics, and 16th Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 28--29 July 2017, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A., (2017).

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Assessment of forest fire danger using automatic weather stations and MODIS TERRA satellite datasets for the state Madhya Pradesh, India Inproceedings

KV Suresh Babu; Venkata Sai Krishna Vanama; Arijit Roy; Ramachandra P Prasad

2017 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), 1876–1881 IEEE (2017).

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Toward a Food-Energy-Water-Ecosystem Services Nexus for Rapid Growing Cities in a Changing Climate Inproceedings

Manas Khan Francisco Munoz-Arriola Shaik Rehana

International Symposium on Sustainable Urban Environment (ISSUE 2017) Conference Proceedings, P27-30, Tezpur University, Assam, 23-24 June, 2017., (2017).

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Geospatial technology perspectives for mining vis-a-vis sustainable forest ecosystems Journal Article

Laxmi Goparaju; Rama Chandra P Prasad; Firoz Ahmad

Present Environment and Sustainable Development, 11 (1), 219–238 (2017)

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Performance analysis of MongoDB versus PostGIS/PostGreSQL databases for line intersection and point containment spatial queries Journal Article

Sarthak Agarwal; KS Rajan

Spatial Information Research, 24 , 671–677 (2016)

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320 entries « 3 of 7 »