
320 entries « 6 of 7 »



Water bodies and Urbanization -- a case study of Hyderabad city, India Inproceedings

S.Rajan Vijaya Bhole K Rama Chandra Prasad P.; C.B.S.Dutt.

IHDP Open Meeting, 26-30 April, 2009; Bonn, Germany, (2009).

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Assessment of forest fragmentation and species diversity in North Andaman Islands (India): a geospatial approach Journal Article

Rama Chandra P Prasad; AN Sringeswara; Ch Sudhakar Reddy; Nidhi Nagabhatla; KS Rajan; A Giriraj; MSR Murthy; SH Raza; CBS Dutt

Int J Ecol Dev, 14 (F09), 33–46 (2009)

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An imprecise fuzzy risk approach for water quality management of a river system Journal Article

S Rehana; PP Mujumdar

Journal of environmental management, 90 (11), 3653–3664 (2009)

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Data Structures for Range Aggregation by Categories. Inproceedings

Saladi Rahul; Prosenjit Gupta; KS Rajan

CCCG, 133–136 (2009).

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Automatic road network extraction using high resolution multi-temporal satellite images Inproceedings

Vinay Pandit; Sudhir Gupta; Krishnan Sundara Rajan

2009 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, V–272 IEEE (2009).

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Is rapid urbanization leading to loss of water bodies Journal Article

Rama Chandra P Prasad; KS Rajan; Vijaya Bhole; CBS Dutt

Journal of Spatial Science, 2 (2), 43–52 (2009)

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Assessment of tsunami and anthropogenic impacts on the forest of the North Andaman Islands, India (vol 30, pg 1235, 2009) Journal Article

P Prasad; Rama Chandra; CS Reddy; KS Rajan; Hasan S Raza; CBS Dutt


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Color based urban scene classification using high resolution satellite imagery Inproceedings

Vinay Pandit; Sudhir Gupta; KS Rajan

Proc. Int. Conf. on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition (IPCV’09), 13–16 (2009).

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Remote sensing based season calendar for Indian districts using MODIS data Inproceedings

Sudhir Gupta; Vinay Pandit; Krishnan Sundara Rajan

2009 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IV–296 IEEE (2009).

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Folklore medicinal plants of north Andaman Islands, India Journal Article

Rama Chandra P Prasad; Sudhakar C Reddy; SH Raza; CBS Dutt

Fitoterapia, 79 (6), 458–464 (2008)

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Landscape analysis in Fambong Lho Wildlife Sanctuary, east district, Sikkim, India using remote sensing and GIS techniques Journal Article

S Sudhakar; PRC Prasad; ML Arrawatia; K Sudha; Shilpa Babar; SKSV Rajeshwar Rao

Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 36 , 203–216 (2008)

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Population structure, age gradations and regeneration status of Pterocarpus dalbergioides Roxb, an endemic species of Andaman Islands, India Journal Article

RCP Prasad; Sudhakar C Reddy; SH Raza; CBS Dutt

Pac J Sci Technol, 9 (2), 667–673 (2008)

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Euphorbiaceae of North Andaman forest--An ecological and phytosociological perspective Journal Article

RCP PRASAD; SH Raza; CS Reddy; CBS Dutt

The Journal of Indian Botanical Society, 87 (1&2), 1–3 (2008)

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Additions to the flora of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India Journal Article

SUDHAKAR C Reddy; RCP Prasad; CBS Dutt

J Bombay Nat Hist Soc, 104 (3), 379–382 (2008)

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Phytodiversity Zonation in North Andaman Islands, India using remote sensing, GIS and Phytosociological data Journal Article

C.BS Dutt P. Rama Chandra Prasad

Research Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2 (1), 1–12 (2008)

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Tree flora of Saddle Peak National Park, Andaman, India Journal Article

P.Rama Chandra Prasad C S Reddy

Journal of Plant Sciences, 3 (1), 1–17 (2008)

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Wetland inventory and the dynamics in Karnataka -- a geospatial approach. Inproceedings

Chiranjibi Pattanik Rama Chandra Prasad. P.; Narendra S Prasad

LAKE 2008 proceeding; 22-24 Dec 2008- Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, (2008).

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Wetlands as components of green growth: a case study of Gujarat wetland resources using remote sensing and GIS. Inproceedings

Chiranjibi Pattanaik Rama Chandra Prasad. P.; Narendra Prasad S

International Conference on green growth, 17-18 Dec, 2008, IBS-Hyderabad, (2008).

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Suitability Mapping For Locating Special Economic Zone Journal Article

Gupta Sudhir; Pandit Vinay; KS Rajan


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Spatial informatics and geographical information systems: Tools to transform electric power and energy systems Inproceedings

Nagaraja A Sekhar; KS Rajan; Amit Jain

TENCON 2008-2008 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 1–5 IEEE (2008).

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Engaging Web for better administration Journal Article

Narendra S Prasad; Santosh Gaikwad; KS Rajan

GIS development, the global geospatial magazine, (2008)

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Phytodiversity Assessment of Tropical Rainforest of North Adamant Islands, India. Journal Article

P Prasad; Sudhakar C Reddy; CBS Dutt

Research Journal of Forestry, 1 (1), (2007)

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Crotalaria willdenowiana DC. Subsp. varmae, a new taxon from Andaman, India Journal Article

Sudhakar C Reddy; EN Murthy; PRC Prasad; VS Raju

International Journal of Botany, (2007)

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Mapping and analyzing vegetation types of North Andaman Islands, India Journal Article

RC Prasad; Ch Sudhakar Reddy; G Rajasekhar; CBS Dutt

GIS development. Retrieved, 15 , (2007)

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Wetland Inventory for 1990-1992 for Kerala using Landsat Thematic Mapper data Inproceedings

Rama Chandra P Prasad; Chiranjibi Pattanaik; Narendra S Prasad

Kerala Environment Congress, 309–311 (2007).

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Modelling the spatial distribution of shifting cultivation in Luangprabang, Lao PDR Journal Article

Yumiko Wada; Krishnan S Rajan; Ryosuke Shibasaki

Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 34 (2), 261–278 (2007)

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Complex Flow Analysis through a Multiple le Driven laser Cavity Journal Article

NMA Sriram; KS Rajan; PS Kulkarni


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A GIS based integrated Land use Landover model to study the Human-Land Interactions Journal Article

KS Rajan; S Ryosuke

International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, (2006)

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Impact of land use changes on subsidiary occupation: a case study from Himalayas of India Journal Article

S Nautiyal; R Shibasaki; KS Rajan; RK Maikhuri; KS Rao

Environmental Information Archives, 3 , 14–23 (2005)

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FOSS4G: Prediction of forest cover transitions in Uttara Kannada, Central Western Ghats Journal Article

Bharath Setturu; KS Rajan; TV Ramachandra

Conservation Biology, 19 , 768–782 (2005)

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Interaction of Biodiversity and Economic Welfare- A Case Study from the Himalayas of India Journal Article

S Nautiyal; KS Rajan; R Shibasaki

Journal of Environmental Informatics, 6 (2), 111–119 (2005)

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Land use intensification and its ecological impacts Inproceedings

S Nautiyal; KS Rajan; R Shibasaki; KS Rao; RK Maikhuri; IS Bisht

Himalayas of India—lessons for scenario development in mountainous regions. In: Proceedings of 31st International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (31st ISRSE), Saint Petersburg, Russia (04 pages), CDROM Publication, (2005).

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Modelling and socio-economic impact analysis of floods in coastal cities under sea-level rising scenarios in Bangkok, Thailand Journal Article

Dushmanta Dutta; Shulian Niu; KS Rajan

Proc. IS AIT (Bangkok), (2005)

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Census of endemic flowering plants of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India Journal Article

SUDHAKAR C Reddy; PRC Prasad; MSR Murthy; CBS Dutt

Journal of economic and taxonomic botany, 28 , 712–728 (2004)

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An Integrated Framework for Analysis and Modelling of Changes in Water Use and Land Use in the Indo-Gangetic Plains Inproceedings

KS Rajan; R Shibasaki

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, (2004).

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Environmental conservation vs compensation: Explorations from the Uttaranchal Himalaya Journal Article

S Nautiyal; KS Rajan; R Shibasaki

Environmental Informatics Archives, 2 , 24–35 (2004)

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Threatened endemic plants from eastern Ghats, India Miscellaneous

Ch Sudhakar Reddy; KN Reddy; PRC Prasad; VS Raju


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Global research for integrated agricutural land use change modeling Inproceedings

G Tan; R Shibasaki; K Matsumora; KS Rajan

Asia GIS Conference, (2003).

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Study of a GIS Based Land Use/Cover Change Model in Laos Inproceedings

Y Wada; KS Rajan; R Shibasaki

Proceedings of the KSRS Conference, 266–268 The Korean Society of Remote Sensing (2003).

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Water Resource Assessment using agro-hydrological model and remote sensing (a case study on the river Ganges). Journal Article

S Ochi; KS Rajan; S Priya; GX Tan; R Shibasaki; others

Geoinformatics for tropical ecosystems, 471–482 (2003)

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Science and decisionmaking Incollection

EJ Rykiel Jr; J Berkson; VA Brown; W Krewitt; I Peters; M Schwartz; J Shogren; D Van der Molen; R Blok; M Borsuk; others

Understanding and Solving Environmental Problems in the 21st Century, 153–166 Elsevier Science, (2002).

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A GIS based integrated land use/cover change model to study agricultural and urban land use changes Inproceedings

KS Rajan; Ryosuke Shibasaki

22nd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, 5–9 (2001).

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Modeling agricultural land use change in Bangladesh: Farmer as an agent of change Inproceedings

A Ahmed; KS Rajan; R Shibasaki

22nd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, 5–9 (2001).

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A GIS based integrated land use/cover change model to study human-land interactions Journal Article

KS Rajan; Ryosuke Shibasaki

International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 33 (B7/3; PART 7), 1212–1219 (2000)

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Land use Intensification and its Ecological Impacts, in Himalayas of India--Lessons for scenario development in mountainous regions Journal Article

S Nautiyal; KS Rajan; R Shibasaki; KS Rao; RK Maikhuri; IS Bisht

Seed, 2245 , 978 (2000)

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The study of global land suitability evaluation: A case of potential productivity estimation for wheat Journal Article

Guoxin Tan; Ryosuke Shibasaki; KS Rajan

International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 33 (B4/3; PART 4), 1045–1050 (2000)

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Land Use/Cover Changes and Water Resources-Experiences from AGENT-LUC Model. Tokyo, Japan: International Center for Disaster Mitigation Engineering (INCEDE), Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo Publication 19 Miscellaneous

KS Rajan; R Shibasaki


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Land-use/cover changes and water resources—Experiences from AGENT-LUC Model Journal Article

KS Rajan; R Shibasaki

International Center for Disaster Mitigation Engineering (INCEDE), Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo Publication, 19 , (2000)

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A GIS Based Integrated Land Use Journal Article

KS Rajan; R Shibasaki

Cover Change Model To Study Human, (2000)

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GIS Integrated Land Use/Land Cover Modelling: A National Scale Model for Thailand PhD Thesis

Krishnan S Rajan

東京大学, (1999).

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320 entries « 6 of 7 »